How Zhan Zhuang Improves Your Taiji

As recently discussed in this post, Zhan Zhuang is an important pillar in internal martial arts. But what skills does Zhan Zhuang actually bring to Taiji practitioners? We want to go into that today.

Feel and recognize Yin and Yang

Through the continuous practice of Zhan Zhuang, we become aware of areas of tension. Like others train for more strength, we train Zhan Zhuang on the way of relaxation. Constant standing means no change for body and mind, but something will change constantly in this exercise with untrained students. It is about accepting situations and perceiving the state. When the body is calm and controlled, the focus should be on the mind next, otherwise, the mind will always find something to deal with. In the state of absolute calmness, we will really experience the states of Yin and Yang. Therefore, a connection to the extreme can be made next.

Yin and Yang in Taijiquan

In Taiji, yin and yang move, it is like the balance is held in two glasses so that none of them drips over. The movement out of balance is the direction to harmony. When someone can keep a close focus on Yin and Yang, the body and mind are in control of the movement. Taiji is thus controlled at the extremes and harmonized therefrom, which is an important basic understanding for self-cultivation.

Buy the master a cup of tea!

With gratitude as deep as the calmness of the lake, we extend our sincerest appreciation for your support. As you journey with us on this path of wisdom and serenity, we wish for you to absorb the essence of our teachings, and let it invigorate your spirit, just as the morning sun brings life to the waking world. Let’s continue our practice with joy in our hearts and calmness in our minds.


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