The Complete Guide to Wudang Taiji Cloud Hands

Yin and Yang stand for strength and relaxation. It is always the opposite that makes our movements in Taiji. We have two hands and two feet, but none of these two will ever be in the same state. We speak of transitions in Taiji; These transitions involve strength and relaxation and always need direction and energy.

The principles of spiral dynamics

The easiest way to transition to the destination is the direct and straight path; To stabilize and sustain this path we need the principles of spiral dynamics. A bullet fired from the revolver needs a certain amount of rotation to maintain its trajectory. The transition of this projectile is known in Taiji under the term energy transformation. The greatest force that can arise in spiral dynamics comes directly from our center of gravity, or rather from the Dantian, our energy center. The explanation is quite simple: the smallest turn also has the strongest acceleration to become efficient in power transitions, every move must always be done from the Dantian.

The understanding of spiral dynamics is the foundation to accomplish the coordination in Taiji. Spiral dynamics has nothing to do with the transitions of yin and yang, this is the energy transformation. In order for the spiral dynamics to be able to realize the greatest possible amount of energy, it always comes from the yin, resulting in a resistance-free power conversion as far as possible. The implementation of this spiral dynamics increases exponentially from inside to outside. Therefore, outer movements are always faster than the inner ones. This is one of the reasons why we focus on the inner movements in Taiji; This gives Taiji its natural slowness. Those who concentrate on the inner movements will notice that the movements are fast enough.

The understanding of the natural river in Taiji

For the transitions and spiral dynamics to work, the movements must never be interrupted. This flow is controlled by our breathing, which should always be consistent, just like the movements. An interruption of this flow means loss of control. Breathing gives us the necessary energy we need for Taiji. When strength and relaxation are not well coordinated, this energy comes to the wrong place. Our oxygen balance is equal to our energy budget. The transition of the energy structure arises from yin to yang, so you inhale. At maximum strength follows the energy dissipation, the transition from yang to yin is therefore exhaled.

Yin and Yang, strength and relaxation are coordinated in Taiji within the movement and are therefore always present.

We need strength to hold the position, and we need relaxation to efficiently coordinate the movement. The more we share strength and relaxation in our movement, the sooner we find ourselves in complete calm and control in the movement. In each form of tai chi, power and relaxation go back to the center together after each transition, but not a standstill but a fluid transition; therefore Yin and Yang are always included in the movement.

Learning to relax means learning to use strength

In Wudang Taiji, our spine is always in an upright position. Those who relax the abdominal muscles will notice that the hips naturally roll forward. Rolling this hip forward is very often misunderstood in Europe, as there are many people with hip problems. Taiji is a natural movement; if this is difficult for someone, then you should work on it instead of expecting a natural flow. Personal development in Taiji is a strong physical and neurological process.

In both processes, Wudang Taiji leads to physical and mental freedom. Escape to your comfort means ignorance and fear of change. The more clearly we follow Master’s instructions and the fewer questions we ask, the easier it will be for Taiji to develop. Only continuous and above all regular practice leads to success in Taiji. This means that the lesson of the Master is also perceived in private life, so everyone has their own individual homework.

Practical onine guide to Taiji Cloud Hands:

Buy the master a cup of tea!

With gratitude as deep as the calmness of the lake, we extend our sincerest appreciation for your support. As you journey with us on this path of wisdom and serenity, we wish for you to absorb the essence of our teachings, and let it invigorate your spirit, just as the morning sun brings life to the waking world. Let’s continue our practice with joy in our hearts and calmness in our minds.


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