Eight Section Brocade Qi Gong

The Eight Section Brocades Qi Gong

The Translation of the Eight Section Brocades

Bā Duàn Jǐn


第一式 兩手托天理三焦
1.Liǎng Shǒu Tuō Tiān Lǐ Sān Jiāo

Palm the sky with both hands to recuperate triple burner

Note: The triple burner (三焦) is one part of the six organs (六腑) in Chinese medicine terminology. The character 焦 was originally written as 膲, which means beneath the skin. The upper burner (上焦) corresponds to the section of the body above the diaphragm, the middle burner(中焦) between the diaphragm and belly button, and the lower(下焦) burner the part below. Contrary to the Chinese medical names for the other organs, the concept of the burners does not correspond to bulk organs but are rather the protection of organs.

第二式 左右彎弓似射雕
2. Zuǒ Yòu Wān Gōng Shì Shè Diāo

Pull the bow left and right like shooting eagle

第三式 調理脾胃單臂舉
3. Tiáo Lǐ Pí Wèi Dān Bì Jǔ

Lift one arm to recuperate the stomach

第四式 五勢七傷向後瞧
4. Wǔ Shì Qī Shāng Xiàng Hòu Qiáo

Look back to heal injuries

第五式 搖頭擺尾去心火
5. Yáo Tóu Bǎi Wěi Qù Xīn Huǒ

Swing head and tail to clear up fire of heart

第六式 兩手攀足固腎腰
6. Liǎng Shǒu Pān Zú Gù Shèn Yāo

Reach hands to feet to strengthen the kidney/waist

第七式 怒目攢拳增氣力
7. Nù Mù Zǎn Quán Zēng Qì Lì

Glower and hold fists to gain strength

第八式 背後七顛百病消
8. Bèi Hòu Qī Diān Bǎi Bìng Xiāo

Jolt seven times to eliminate illness

Buy the master a cup of tea!

With gratitude as deep as the calmness of the lake, we extend our sincerest appreciation for your support. As you journey with us on this path of wisdom and serenity, we wish for you to absorb the essence of our teachings, and let it invigorate your spirit, just as the morning sun brings life to the waking world. Let’s continue our practice with joy in our hearts and calmness in our minds.


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