

Living in the Wudang Mountains

The location of the Returning Dragon Village is right near the temple, the picture on the left provides you with a view from the temple top. The local farmers plant vegetables which are later used for the school kitchen. The farming process is entirely organic and is all you need for healthy nutrition. There is also livestock with ducks, chickens, sheep, and pigs nearby. The kitchen can include meat, but only in specific dishes, vegetarians have enough variety.

On the opposite side of the school, the other side of the farming fields, there is a path along the farming fields soon leading up to a mountain path (opposite direction of the temple), follow this path and you will find a secluded spot with an almost 360° panorama of the Wudang mountain range. It is a remarkable spot only accessible through the Returning Dragon Village.

The school itself is at the end of the farming valley and directly behind the Returning Dragon Temple. The school only uses traditional training equipment and Daoist training methods. In the mornings there is often a Daoist ritual or ceremony to honor the immortals. Master Chen Shiyu owns a little truck which he uses to transport supplies from the town to his school. During the night the gates are closed and leaving or entering the school grounds or your room is only possible by contacting the Keymaster beforehand.

Traditional Environment

We recommend to visit this school through all seasons, except for July and August, during this two months the weather can be scorching and it may be tough to concentrate if you are not used to the subtropical weather conditions, there is not enough air conditioning for the elderly, the hiking paths becomes more difficult for the heart. If you plan to become a long-term student, you should come at a colder or milder season to slowly adapt to the raising heat during the summer.